3 Ways to Submit Your Articles
Scholastica: This is the Missouri Law Review’s predominant source for obtaining and evaluating author submissions. It is the only platform to ensure that the Senior Lead Author Editor will be able to view your article, and it is the predominant vehicle in which offers will be made.

Missouri Law Review
Attn: Lead Articles Editor
Hulston Hall, Room 15
Columbia, MO 65211
When submitting an article via e-mail, please use Microsoft Word format and provide and abstract of the article in the email message in addition to your name and contact information.
After Submission
The Editorial Board of the Missouri Law Review generally selects articles that discuss legal questions that are nationally relevant or of particular interest to the practice of law in Missouri. The Editorial Board acknowledges all submissions, but does not send rejection notices due to the number of submissions received.
Student Submissions
Due to the quantity and quality of the student works submitted by its Associate Members, the Missouri Law Review does not accept student submissions.
Copyright Statement
Articles published in the Missouri Law Review may be duplicated for classroom use, provided that:
- Each copy is distributed at or below cost;
- The author and the Missouri Law Review are identified;
- Proper notice of copyright is affixed to each copy; and
- The Missouri Law Review is notified of the use.
All articles and student works published in the Missouri Law Review are submitted to Westlaw and Lexis online databases.